[Marathi] The Farming Analogy For Blogging/Vlogging Success by Pritam

Pritam perceives the process of content creation as similar to farming. Consistency for farming and blogging, risk calculation, and patience for results are some of the similar factors for both fields. How two worlds of farming and technology are similar is explained by Pritam in his very interesting topic The Farming Analogy For Blogging/Vlogging Success

About Pritam Sonone
Pritam is a blogger, YouTuber, content creator, and agricultural graduate. Hailing from Darwha, Yavatmal, Pritam is a passionate content creator about farming that helps other farmers learn everything about agriculture on his blog, AmhiKastkar.
Pritam shares his knowledge and learnings about agriculture in Marathi on his Youtube channel with 379K subscribers.

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Note: This session is in Marathi