Call for Sponsors

Sponsoring WordCamp is an incredible way to contribute to the WordPress community. WordCamps are designed to be accessible to anyone who wishes to attend, and keeping ticket prices low is crucial to this goal. WordCamp sponsors play a significant role in maintaining this accessibility.

Your sponsorship not only helps keep ticket costs low but also enhances the event’s quality. The WordCamp community—attendees, speakers, volunteers, and organisers—greatly appreciate the contributions of sponsors.

Sponsorship Benefits Summary

  • Visibility: Get your brand in front of a diverse group of WordPress enthusiasts.
  • Engagement: Network with designers, developers, bloggers, business owners, and more.
  • Community Support: Show your support for the WordPress community.

Sponsorship Levels:

  • Gold Level Sponsor – ₹ 35,000 /- ($420)
  • Silver Level Sponsor – ₹ 25,000 /- ($300)
  • Bronze Level Sponsor – ₹ 15,000 /- ($180)
  • Micro Sponsor Level Sponsor – ₹ 5,000 /- ($60)
  • After Party Sponsor – ₹ 2,00,000 /- ($2500)
Feature Gold Sponsor (₹ 35,000) Silver Sponsor (₹ 25,000) Bronze Sponsor (₹ 15,000) Micro Sponsor (₹ 5,000) After Party Sponsor (₹ 2,00,000)
Acknowledgement in Opening & Closing Remarks Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Social Media Mentions Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Inserts Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Blog Post Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Exhibit Desk Yes No No No Yes
Outbound Links 3 2 1 3
Passes for Conference & Networking Event 3 2 2 1 5
Site-Wide Logo Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Logo Size Large Medium Small Large
Photo Distribution Collateral Logo Placement Yes No No No Yes
Number of Standees 3 2 1 0 3
Standee Printing Not Included Yes Not Included Not Included

Sponsorship Policy

  • Sponsorship prices do not include taxes. All applicable fees will be charged in addition to the listed prices.
  • Full payment must be made before the event.
  • WordCamp organizers do not have permission to share participants’ data with sponsors. Sponsors can collect information directly from participants at the exhibit desk.
  • No WordCamp Nagpur organizer will collect money in their personal or company account.
  • All sponsorship money is collected via WordPress Community Support PBC. Click here to make a payment.

Sponsorship Application Process

  1. Apply for Sponsorship: Interested companies submit their sponsorship applications.
  2. GPL Compliance Check: The organizing team reviews the application to ensure compliance with the GNU General Public License (GPL).
  3. Invoice Generation: After the agreement is signed, an invoice is generated and sent to the representative of the sponsoring company.
  4. Payment: The representative can then make the payment online to WordPress Community Support PBC. The funds are subsequently utilized for WordCamp Nagpur expenses.

Apply for Sponsorship

This form ensures that we gather all the necessary details to provide you with the best possible sponsorship experience and tailor our event to better suit your needs. We look forward to your participation in making WordCamp Nagpur 2024 a memorable event!

Is this your first time being a sponsor at a WordPress event?

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact us at