Call for Speakers

Do you have knowledge that would benefit the WordPress community? WordCamp Nagpur is now accepting speaker applications.

Speakers are at the core of every WordCamp, providing a chance to be involved. We’re looking for talks on various topics to cover different stages of the WordPress journey, from beginner to expert.

Talks and Workshops for all skill levels will be considered, and a presentation on things you learned while setting up your very first website can be just as valuable as a technical walk-through of how custom fields are implemented within WordPress.

Once submissions close, the selection process will commence, and we’ll contact everyone as soon as possible via email to confirm details once our voting has been finalised.

The theme for this year’s WordCamp Nagpur is WordPress for Startups. All topics should be related to WordPress for Startups. At previous WordCamps, we’ve had talks on WordPress development, copywriting, blogging, design, marketing, business, and SEO. For some inspiration, take a look at past WordCamp talks over at WordPress TV.

We’re also specifically interested in any talks on the following topics:

  • WordPress Testing and Optimization
  • Web Accessibility
  • Block editor/Development
  • Full Site Editing
  • Sustainable Web Development
  • Security
  • Project Management
  • eCommerce
  • WordPress Playground
  • SEO
  • Content Creation
  • Headless WordPress
  • WP CLI
  • Web3 with WordPress
  • Flutter with WordPress
  • AI in WordPress
  • WordPress Community
  • Analytics for WordPress
  • UI/UX
  • Open Source Development
  • WordPress Customiser vs WordPress Developer
  • Building Hybrid/Remote Teams
  • Remote Team Management
  • Copywriting & Practices
  • Freelance as a career
  • Scalability in WordPress
  • DPDP Act 2023
  • WordPress for a startup MVP
  • Building your developer portfolio
  • Best Practices for WordPress usage/development
  • Career options in WordPress Ecosystem

What We Look For:
If you haven’t spoken at a conference before, don’t let that hold you back! We do not require you to be famous, or a “guru”, or have a special certification; all we ask is that you be able to present your chosen topic passionately and respectfully.

We do have some general guidelines for talks, though, and here they are: Your talk should be…

  • directly related to WordPress, or immediately applicable and relevant to our audience
  • respectful of the WordPress community, the WordCamp code of conduct, and the GPL
  • something that interests you, that you want to share!

Event Details:

  • Talks will be 20 minutes in length or 10 minutes – lightning talk. Followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. Write your preference in the application.
  • Talks will be on Saturday, 28th September 2024.
  • We plan to record all the talks and post the videos to Speakers will need to sign an A/V release form prior to giving their presentation.
  • Speakers will be offered free admission to WordCamp Nagpur, but will not be otherwise compensated.

Last Date for Application: 5th August 2024

Speaker applications are now closed.