Abhijit will share adventures of WordPress as Headless CMS

Headless CMSs have been slowly gaining popularity for some time now. Even though WordPress is largely a presentational software it can be used as a headless CMS in a number of ways. Abhijit will give you an overview of the pitfalls and give you workarounds and some possible solutions of using WordPress as a Headless CMS.

Abhijit Rakas is a Nagpur-based web developer working for SANIsoft Technologies. He started his journey with WordPress in 2014. He is a major polyglot contributor for Marathi translations.

Omkar will help you supercharge your website with Jetpack

Jetpack is one plugin that helps you many ways. In this talk, Omkar will tell why you need Jetpack and how can it take your blog to the next level? How can Jetpack help to make your site more secure? How it’ll help to make your site faster and more reliable? Get answers to all these questions and more.

Omkar is Computer Engineer by degree but loves to draw and Illustrate things. He works as a Happiness Engineer at Automattic.

This Thane-based geek loves to create educational videos on his youtube channel TheCuriousEngineer. Earlier started as a place for Programming Tutorials & Tech Reviews, but later amazing science channels like Vsauce, Veritasium, MinutePhysics, SmarterEveryDay inspired him to make edutaining science videos.

Swapnil will clear misconceptions about WordPress Developers

Have you heard that someone is not a REAL developer if they don’t use a certain tool, technology or method? Have you heard someone call themselves a WordPress developer, but don’t know how to write code?

This talk will clear up some misconceptions and tell you what it takes to be a real WordPress developer.

Swapnil Patil is Pune based Developer, who started his WordPress journey back in Jan 2014. his passion for WordPress started at the college itself. Luckily right after the college, he got an opportunity to be at a place, where 100% of work involved WordPress!

Karthik will help you securing your WordPress site

When it comes to securing your WordPress sites, there are a lot of plugins that do the task for you. But the security of your site cannot be just an “Install this plugin and forget” affair – Securing your website demands attention on a constant basis.

In this talk, Karthik will take you through the basics of securing your WordPress sites and best security practices in the day to day life and in code.

Karthik is a polyglot programmer with experience in building apps in PHP and Swift.

Jayman will share best practices to implement Atomic designs in WordPress

Jayman is a designer who has spent a decade of designing experiences, He is a go-to guy for a lot of startups and agencies in the city of dreams, Mumbai.

Atomic Design details all that goes into creating and maintaining robust design systems, allowing you to roll out higher quality, more consistent UIs faster than ever before.

In this talk, Jayman will introduce a methodology for thinking of our UIs as thoughtful hierarchies, discusses the qualities of effective pattern libraries, and showcases techniques to transform your team’s design and development workflow.

Amit will share alternative development techniques on WordPress.

Earlier WordPress was known as a Blogging platform, nowadays as a Content management system. But many developers are using WordPress as a powerful and versatile tool for rapid proof-of-concept web app development.

At WordCamp Nagpur, Amit will be speaking on Alternative Development Techniques on WordPress.

His talk will cover techniques on how we can create a WordPress based website and web applications like Truecaller using various development techniques with minimal efforts when running on strict deadlines.

Amit Singh is a founder and CEO of WPoets Technology. He started working with WordPress since 2007 and contributed his first WordPress plugin to WordPress.org repository in 2008. He has helped organise PHPCamp, WordCamp, Joomla Day and Drupal camp in Pune.

Parth will help you structuring WordPress for success!

WordPress out of the box is quite easy to use and setup but if you want it to perform like a pro there’s a lot that you can squeeze out of the software and structure your website for success.

In this session, Parth will talk about content structure with respect to strategy. Website Optimisation and other best practices.

Parth is Drupal Guy, who loves hanging around Open Source Communities. Is a part-time entrepreneur, tech enthusiast. He works as Community Manager at Axelerant. He was a hobby Film Maker, hobby #Photographer & a Pilot.

Vikram will share how he used WordPress with IoT

After e-commerce and social media, “Internet of things” is the next big thing and WordPress is ready to embrace it.

Vikram will give us an overview of how he used WordPress as a backend for applications based on Internet of Things. This talk will cover overall workflow, problems faced, and how it can be done right.

Vikram is in love with WordPress for almost 6 years. He helps businesses to focus on and effectively utilise IT as supporting structure to core business deliverables, by crafting effective web presence, implementing business solutions, moving businesses to cloud as well as managing complex eCommerce requirements.

Vikram will be speaking on Using WordPress for IoT at WordCamp Nagpur!

Kumar will share how cool WordPress can be in School Syllabus

Kumar is a 13 years old Developer, Blogger, Youtuber from Nashik, India. He founded IQubex.com in 2016 when he was just 12. Currently, in his 8th grade, he is already familiar with HTML5 / CSS3 and PHP. He wishes to explore everything relating to Website and App Development.

He will be speaking at WordCamp Nagpur on the topic – How cool is WordPress in School Syllabus.

In this talk, he is going to talk on How Parents/Teachers can help their Kids to learn WordPress. He’ll be telling about the curiosity, ability in a Kid that elders do not have. Plus a kid always works as a hobby and do not worry about any rewards.

Attend this to experience the future of WordPress first hand!

He is the youngest ever speaker at a WordCamp, he started blogging and building websites at the age of ten! He now has an active website IQubex, where he talks about blogging, technology and code.

Nagesh will help Podcasters to set up their own space

There is no replacement to the warmth and feel of a human voice. No wonder, the popularity of Broadcast Radio stations, using FM or even traditional AM is still popular. The effort and cost to set up your own “Radio station” or to Broadcast your own voice all over the world are much easier today! This does not need you to set up transmission towers and has expensive equipment!!

WordPress and the Internet give us the power of Audio blogging or Podcasts. Whatmore you can start one within a few minutes, and at zero cost. You can then upgrade it gradually as you grow to a website as widely followed as any radio station. Through the talk / quick workshop, Nagesh will trace through how you can begin setting up your own Audio blog using WordPress.com, and then upscale it towards a self-hosted Website if needed.

The talk aims at encouraging aspiring budding Radio Jockeys, Audio artists claim their very own space and audience through a simple step-by-step method.

Nagesh is a Happiness Engineer at Automattic, Nagesh started his WordPress journey as a hobbyist and freelancer, by building and tinkering with WordPress websites between 2008 and 2016.

The interesting part about his story is that, despite his diverse background, Nagesh’s WordPress journey kickstarted from a unique vertical: by setting up and running a community website that he built, without having any prior knowledge of programming. – RadioIdli.net. He started it on Blogger, and, migrated it to self-hosted WordPress, sometime in 2009. This journey introduced him to a career in digital marketing, helped him learn to create beautiful websites, and eventually led him to Automattic!

WordCamp Nagpur 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!